Wizzzards & Widgets ?

...solutions included in PAGEMAKER !



Image Wizzzard

10.000+ cruise company images
private / shared community images
crop images
resize social media sizes
add text overlay and format
replace standard cruise images
manage lisence expiry dates
define paid/free
save variants grouped with original
manage images with multiple tags




Social Media Wizzzard

Create a social media post in no time

Real time statistics

Can be used on any social media platform

Link directly to the content you want to use





Newsletter Wizzzard

Easily create a page inside the PAGEMAKER and send it to your customers with daily updated prices and offers.

Plan and prepare your newsletters in advance and send them out at your desired times.

The newsletters can be opened at any time in mobile or desktop view.








CRUISE Widgets
"FreeStyle DIY" to design your own startpage design and configure your personal startpage just select from below Widgets...



We are adding new features frequently...

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